Hello and welcome to the Caring Safely™ Ambassador Program!


One of the things I love about working with helping professionals (aside for how big you heart is) is your passion for sharing this important information.


Chances are pretty good that if you haven’t experienced Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma or Burnout yourself, someone you work with has.


I learned very early on in the Caring Safely program, that my students really wanted to share this information with their colleagues, friends, managers, and clients.


I regularly get messages about people spreading the Caring Safely word and I decided that people should be rewarded for that.  My goal is to have everyone who is a helping professional learn how to protect themselves while doing this work and I certainly can’t achieve that without your help.


This ambassador program allows you to share free information with the people you think will benefit from learning the Caring Safely principles.  Then, if those people decide to sign up for one of my online classes or programs, you will get a percentage of their registration fee (a commission)!  If they don’t, well that’s okay too because at least they have more information that can help them.


You’ll see, from time to time, that I will have specific promotions for certain programs and you will have access to promotional materials to spread the word about Caring Safely and other wellness programs.


***You will need a PayPal account in order to receive your income.


Fill out the form below to sign up as and get started!