Caring Safely® Professional Program Quiz

Successfully completed this quiz with a score of 80% or higher to get immediate access to your certificate of completion for 24 credit hours of continuing education.

*** Here is information that you can provide your regulatory body for this training (you can copy and paste it if you’d like):

“Trainings offered through Caring Safely® have been previously accepted for continuing education hours through various regulatory organizations including; NASW (Missouri Chapter), The Alberta College of Social Workers (Category A), The BC Nurses Union. Caring Safely is a certified educational institute in Canada.

In order for someone to receive a certificate of completion for this training through Caring Safely, participants must complete a final quiz, which contains no more than 10% true and false questions, with a passing grade of 80% or higher and a program evaluation The course developer and teacher has a Master of Social Work degree. The course is provided by an organization that has a privacy officer. The trainer’s credentials include a bachelor of social work, a masters of social work, a clinical registration to provide psychosocial restricted activities, over 12 years of direct clinical practice and is an instructor at the University of Calgary. The trainer is registered with the Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW) (Registration #11958) and the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW).”

Please ensure you click on the check box of Complete Quiz before you complete your quiz. This will generate your certificate of completion as soon as you successfully complete your quiz. The button to download your quiz will appear under the quiz.

[progressally_objectives][progressally_quiz][progressally_objective_completion percentage=”100″][progressally_certificate certificate_id=”1″ text=”Download Certificate”][/progressally_objective_completion]